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Time: 60 mins
Price: $450

SC colorX method was developed by pharmasists & doctors. This method of removal meets high hygiene requirements. This is a natural product that occurs in human metabolism.

Colour pigments for permanent makeup/ tattooing is usually 1-4mm under the skin. The uppermost part of the protective layer is removed and the dermis remains untouched.

The massage of the epidermis leads to leakage of the removal fluid to the macrophages(phagocytes) sealed color.

As soon as the macrophages come into contact with the removal liquid, they release color molecules. The skin recognises them as a foreign body and repelled to the surface of the skin.

Crusts form quite quickly and will fall off within 4-7 days. Underneath the new skin forms without color pigments.

As technology has improved and more research has been done, it is proven that this technique removes the tattoo pigment in the skin if you are unhappy with your brows that have been microbladed or if you have powdered brows.

This is not as invasive as lazer and it is a good technique to remove the pigment without causing scarring or hair loss.

The technique uses fine needles to open up the skin and then a product is put onto the areas that have been opened up. The product then pushes the pigment to the surface and one basically  has instant results.

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